Harvard Scholars Propose Aliens Might Be Among Us

There appears to be a trend towards “soft disclosure” in the mainstream media over the last few years, with numerous articles in well known newspaper articles, surfacing on the topic. In January 2024, a notable journal article was published titled “The cryptoterrestrial hypothesis: A case for scientific openness to a subterranean earthly explanation for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena”.

This article has today re-emerged gathering significant attention in mainstream media, including prominent publications such as the New York Post and major British newspapers. The Harvard paper proposes the ”Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis”, advocating for scientific openness to the possibility that unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) might have earthly, concealed origins. Although this paper is not yet peer-reviewed, one might question how peer review can be conducted on subjects that the government may censor and that science has yet to fully explore without governmental disclosure.

In the field of biological science, it is acknowledged that the existence of extra-terrestrial life forms cannot be ruled out. Moreover, scientists face the challenge of measuring phenomena that are beyond their observational or technological capabilities, especially when dealing with advanced technology and stealth mechanisms. Infrared and ultraviolet cameras have been capturing unexplained entities for decades, as evidenced by the work of Sir Trevor James Constable, Alfred Lambremont Webre, and Jose Escamilla. Their research has shown the presence of living beings in the multidimensional realms, as well as space, or within the Moon’s atmosphere, and on Earth that inhabit the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum, which are invisible to the naked eye.

Space is indeed teeming with entities that live in the invisible light realms, a fact highlighted by NASA’s famous “tether incident,” NASA attached infrared and ultraviolet cameras to capture such lifeforms, following the revelations from Trevor James Constable’s work. Over a decade ago, I had the privilege of interviewing both Constable and Escamilla on Sailing Beyond Knowledge Radio, where they shared insights into these phenomena.

Watersprite, Ecuador, Giron Waterfall 2011, by author.

The ground-breaking paper published in January by Harvard scholars suggests that extra-terrestrial beings could be living amongst us, potentially even residing underground or within a secret base on the Moon. The paper even makes a reference to interdimensional beings or multidimensional entities known as ”Magical Cryptoterrestrials”, Entities akin to “earthbound angels” or ”faeries”, which some people will find hard to accept, this may explain the critters that reside in the invisible realms. I have captured one such an entity, that I named the ”Watersprite”, which made an appearance on my camera, in Ecuador, 2011 by a waterfall in Giron, in the Andes. I have many other countless photos of multidimensional orbs (see below), and diamond orbs filmed in Ecuador and Guatemala, I also captured the same ”Rods”, as Jose Escamilla had filmed using an ultraviolet camera in my families back garden in England.

According to the paper published by Harvard University’s ”Human Flourishing Program”, UFOs, or unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), might be spaceships visiting Earth to interact with their alien counterparts already present here.

The researchers delve into the concept of ‘cryptoterrestrials,’ theorizing that these beings might be blending in as humans, originating from Earth’s future, or evolving from intelligent dinosaurs.

This study aims to provide an “unconventional” perspective on UAP sightings, proposing that UAP could represent forms of non-human intelligence (NHI) coexisting with us in a concealed manner, “alongside us in distinct stealth”.

The paper elaborates: “The author increasingly recognized the depth of evidence and theory supporting another explanation: the ‘cryptoterrestrial’ hypothesis (CTH). This hypothesis suggests that UAP may be linked to NHIs hidden on Earth, possibly living underground or in nearby environments.”

The study explores four primary theories regarding aliens living close to humans:

  1. Human Cryptoterrestrials: An ancient, technologically advanced human civilization that largely perished long ago (e.g., due to a flood) but persists in a remnant form.
  2. Hominid or Theropod Cryptoterrestrials: A non-human civilization, possibly an advanced terrestrial animal, that evolved to live in stealth. This could include an ape-like hominid descendant or intelligent dinosaur descendants.
  3. Extraterrestrial or Extratemporal Cryptoterrestrials: Beings that arrived on Earth from another part of the cosmos or from the human future, concealing themselves in places like the Moon.
  4. Magical Cryptoterrestrials: Entities akin to “earthbound angels,” interacting with our world in ways that seem more magical than technological, similar to fairies, elves, or nymphs.

The researchers acknowledge that some of their theories, particularly the concept of elves, might be challenging for many to accept.

They note: “The main challenge of CTH 4 is its extreme strangeness, especially for those accustomed to explanations within the confines of conventional physics. While belief in extra-terrestrials is plausible, belief in entities like fairies is not a viable option for many scientists.”

Sunships or Electromagnetic Vehicles

Consider the unexplained phenomena you can capture in NASAs SOHO Sun observation site, they study the Sun’s Coronal Mass Ejections and activity, however, one may also observe Sun Ships or Electromagnetic Vehicles as James Horak called them, he believed they carried souls and somehow they are part of the process between the realms of our journey from death to another life or on our way to heaven perhaps? What is interesting is they resemble the ancient Hindu Swastika and Buddhist symbol of Life, Enlightenment and the Sun.

Dr. Norman Bergrun, a former NASA engineer, is known for his controversial book “The Ringmakers of Saturn,” in which he posits that the rings of Saturn were created by enormous electromagnetic vehicles (EMVs), these same vehicles one can observe any day by visiting NASAs SOHO site, then click on the green Stereo ahead photographs, NASA photograph the Sun’s activity every ten minutes, the green spectrum captures these Sunships and their activity, its easy to click through the photos and find them, enlarge them and download them. How can they be explained, vehicles the size of Planet Earth, that are able to withstand immense heat from the Sun, appear to be harvesting its energy and buffering the power to protect Earth.

Dr. Norman Bergrun’s work suggests that these gigantic, cylindrical objects are controlled by an advanced extra-terrestrial civilization, or perhaps they are part of interdimensional forces?

Key Points from “The Ringmakers of Saturn” by Dr. Norman Bergrun:

  1. Electromagnetic Vehicles (EMVs):
  • Bergrun observed large cylindrical objects within Saturn’s rings, which he theorized were responsible for creating and sustaining the rings, it is also thought they brought soil from Earth to the Rings and after some time they were returned to keep life seeded on Earth.
  • He suggested that these EMVs might be controlled by an advanced alien race.

Electromagnetic Vehicle photographed from the Voyager Missions, Photo Credit: Bob Dean

  1. Evidence from Voyager Missions:
  • The data and images from the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 missions, which flew by Saturn in the early 1980s, were critical in forming Bergrun’s hypotheses.
  • Bergrun analyzed these images and claimed to identify structures that indicated artificial manipulation of the ring material.
  1. Implications for Extraterrestrial Life:
  • Bergrun’s theories propose that these EMVs are evidence of advanced extraterrestrial technology operating within our solar system.
  • His work suggests that humanity is not alone and that there may be intelligent beings with technology far beyond our current capabilities.

Influence and Controversy:

  • Scientific Community:
  • Bergrun’s work is highly controversial and not widely accepted in the mainstream scientific community. His theories are considered speculative and lack empirical support according to conventional scientific standards.
  • Despite this, his book has a cult following among UFO enthusiasts and those interested in alternative theories about extraterrestrial life and advanced technologies.
  • Legacy and Impact:
  • “The Ringmakers of Saturn” continues to spark debate and curiosity about the possibility of extraterrestrial life and the mysteries of our solar system.
  • Bergrun’s work contributes to the broader conversation about multidimensional life forms and the potential for advanced civilizations beyond Earth.

Reality Paradigm Shift

Dr. Norman Bergrun’s “The Ringmakers of Saturn” provides a provocative perspective on the existence of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations and their potential activities within our solar system. While controversial, his theories encourage further exploration and open-mindedness regarding the mysteries of space and the potential for multidimensional life forms.

This new research from Harvard hopefully will encourage scientists to expand the boundaries of open discussion on this topic in mainstream science, and further investigations into the possibility of a multidimensional universe. It may suggests from a biological and ecological perspective that living biodiversity may not be as straightforward or comprehensible for science, as we might like to think. As we piece together evidence, it becomes apparent that ancient legends and fairy-tales might contain keys and kernels of missing truth that challenge our understanding of our evolution and our consensual reality.

Ancient alien stone artefacts found in Mexico, dated pre Aztec. elude to alien life forms have been visiting Earth for a very long time. Photograph author’s own, 2024.

By embracing these unconventional ideas, we may begin to grasp the vast complexity of our planet and the life that exists in space. It opens up the possibility that we might live in a holographic universe, as proposed by Michael Talbot, or a multidimensional universe as discussed by authors, physicists, philosophers and aether scientists such as Rudolf Steiner, Trevor James Constable, David Bohm, Brian Greene, Alfred Lambremont Webre, Michio Kaku and Nassim Haramein’s books suggest, with various multidimensional life forms intertwined with the Earth plane. This paradigm shift could lead to ground-breaking discoveries about our existence and the nature of reality itself bridging the gaps between science and spirituality.


Carlita Shaw


The cryptoterrestrial hypothesis: A case for scientific openness to a subterranean earthly explanation for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena

“Zero Doubt” Non-Human Intelligence on Earth – Col. Karl Nell & Alex Klokus | SALT iConnections NY – YouTube

MSN news

Dr Norman Bergrun’s Ringmakers

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